Milanaik on Industrial RE: ‘I’m more bullish than I’ve ever been’


June 1, 2020




North East
Jeff Milanaik

It was March 7 — a day Jeff Milanaik says he’ll remember for the rest of his life.

Milanaik, partner and market officer for the Northeast for Bridge Development Partners, was having dinner with an old friend, a pharma executive. They were talking about COVID-19 — a virus that had only a handful of cases in New Jersey at the time.

“No one really understood it then,” Milanaik said. “We didn’t understand what its impact was going to be.

“But I remember when he said: ‘You know what keeps me up at night? Do you realize over 90% of the pharmaceuticals that we consume in United States are made in China? What if something happened to China and the supply chain?’ Honest to God, that was the conversation we had March 7.”


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